Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism.

Minar Travels India Private Limited is proud to be a signatory to the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism.

As a signatory of the Glasgow Declaration, we commit to delivering plans aligned with the pathways to cut tourism emissions in half over the next decade and reach Net Zero emissions as soon as possible before 2050.

Minar Travels commits to:

  • 1) Support the global commitment to halve emissions by 2030 and reach Net Zero as soon as possible before 2050
  • 2) Deliver climate action plans within 12 months from becoming a signatory (or updating existing plans), and begin implementing them
  • 3) Align plans with the five pathways of the Declaration (Measure, Decarbonise, Regenerate, Collaborate, Finance) to accelerate and co-ordinate climate action in tourism
  • 4) Report publicly on an annual basis on progress against interim and long-term targets, as well as on actions being taken
  • 5) Work in a collaborative spirit, sharing good practices and solutions, and disseminating information to encourage additional organisations to become signatories and supporting one another to reach targets as quickly as possible

We also help our clients to not to rush to a solution but to understand the linear approach by covering core essential promotion parameters like need of the hour, pricing and ROI scenarios, recruiting analysis, putting up more values to the prepositions thus help making them understand their brand in region specific travel spectrum.

If you'd like to learn more about how our consultation strategies can make a positive impact on your business please contact us at

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